Our service provides precise tracking of ships traceable via the Automatic Identification System (AIS). In cases of unfortunate incidents such as collisions or groundings, we delivers detailed and accurate records of a specific ship's movements on a particular day.

Insurance companies and surveyors rely on our high-quality data to make informed decisions and gain detailed insights into ship movements in the event of an incident. With our service, you gain access to reliable and comprehensive tracking data, aiding in the analysis of events and enabling informed assessments.

Anchorage Close Call INvestigation

- **Precise Data**: We provide accurate records of ship movements on a specific day to investigate accidents or incidents.

- **Reliability**: Insurance companies and surveyors trust our dependable data for informed analysis.

- **Specialized Offering**: Our focus is on supporting insurance companies and surveyors with the necessary information to make knowledgeable decisions.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you in obtaining detailed tracking data for investigating ship accidents and incidents.